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tv   MSNBC Live With Alex Witt  MSNBC  September 17, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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"weekends with alex witt" who i'm not speaking to you because you're in new york. >> can i say something? i'm looking at the picture i took with your last guest right here, girlfriend. oh, my god. i'll send it to you over twitter. >> i know you will. that's what's so cruel. >> i'm doing it. doing the news. bye, joy. a big good day. i'm alex witt here at msnbc world news headquarters. it is high noon here in the u.s. world stage. president trump two days ahead of his critical message to the united nations. ahead, different takes on whether he will wrangle or soothe allies. rocket man, a new tweet from the president about the north korean leader. where does that sit into the rising tensions. >> in conjunction with our partners in skrooeouth korea ta about shooting down a missile. >> you heard it. shoot it down. one congressman suggesting a more aggressive approach to
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north korea's ongoing missile tests, but what if the u.s. misses? >> it's certainly my intent to have him before the committee in the open and be able to ask some questions under oath. >> new questions. will donald trump jr. end up in front of a senate committee answering russia questions in public? the very latest next. and facebook revelation. one congressman demanding action after the social media site said it sold political ads to fake russian groups during the election. another potentially big hurricane royaling in the atlantic. some places bracing for impact. we have the latest coming your way on msnbc live. we begin with politics and fresh advise on what the trump administration should do against north korea. here's what scott taylor told me this morning. >> i think the president when he's in asia in november should go to china and talk to china. i think that would make a huge
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diplomatic symbol. i think we should in conjunction with our partners in south korea and japan talk about potentially shooting down a missile. i think we should do that. i know that raises the tensions, but we have to do something. obviously the past 25, 30 years of appeasement has not worked. >> congressman taylor's words come on the heels of a tweet which refers to kim jong-un as a rocket man. the president said during a phone call he asked south korean president moon how rocket man is doing. he'll be 20 feet from the north korean delegation on tuesday. congress also weighing in this morning on the latest in the russia investigation. senate judiciary member diane fine stain shared new details about her committee's interview with donald trump jr. and said that a public session with him is imminent. >> it was a five-hour interview. republicans went first for an hour and then democratic staff
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questioned. i think it's senator grassley's intent and certainly my intent to have him before the committee in the open and be able to ask some questions under oath. it'll be this fall, i know that for sure. also new today, house intel ranking member adam schiff says it's time for facebook and other media outlets to come clean on the attempts of russia to try to influence the general election. >> i'm distressed that it has taken us this long to be informed that the russians had paid for at least $100,000 of ads designed to try to influence our electoral process. we need to know the full extent of their use of social need yeah to influence us from facebook, twitter, google, social media or engine. they need to be fully forthcoming and i'm confident they will. i think, frankly, they need to come and testify before congress. meanwhile, senator bernie sanders is hitting back at hillary clinton for accusing him of not helping her enough when
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she became the presidential nominee. >> i worked as hard as i could. i went all over this country, and i would remind people, you know, people say not everybody who voted for bernie ended up voting for hillary. no kidding. that's what happens in politics. i worked as hard as i could to see that hillary clinton was -- would be elected president. let's go now to somerset, new jersey, not too far from the president's bed minister estate. nbc's kelly o'donnell is there for us as always. kelly, we've already heard a lot from the administration this morning, especially on north korea. what is the latest on all of this? >> well, prominent voices from the administration speaking out today in advance of this week's meetings at the united nations. there is the general assembly, of course, where the president will make his first address on tuesday to the world body. it's an organization he has often been critical of, but over the course of several days there will be so many meetings with prominent leaders that will put
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the president on the world stage in a lot of these vexing policy issues really at the center of the conversation. so north korea has been a big part of that today. we heard from h.r. mcmaster, the national security adviser, we heard from rex tillerson, secretary of state today, and also the u.n. ambassador, nikki haley, who tried to emphasize how the president still believes in diplomacy but wands to make sure north korea understands the scope of the tension. >> i think that the fire and fury, while he said this is what we can do to north korea, we wanted to be responsible and go through all diplomatic means to get their attention first. if that doesn't work, general mattis will take care of it. if the united states has to defend itself or defend its allies in any way, north korea will be destroyed and we all know that and none of us want that. none of us want war. >> reporter: so what we will see this week will include a meeting
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with president trump and the leaders of japan and south korea who, of course, by their proximity to north korea and their relationship to the united states are particularly vulnerable. we'll also see a lot of conversations about what can be done. now the u.n. has taken a series of steps with sanctions and notably the president, who has been critical as i pointed out, has also been sort of pleased with the 15-0 votes at the security council related to a package of sanctions that are now more than $2.5 billion where there are restrictions on trade with north korea, on access to energy which, of course, is critical. we saw today in the president's tweet where he referred to rocket man, presumably kim jong-un, also saying the long gas lines in north korea. that would be a reference to the sanctions which widely are viewed as significant but not yet obviously deterring kim jong-un's behavior. as the leaders come together in
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new york city is there something else that can be done? can pressure be applied more broadly? notably china will not be there and so that means that a big voice won't be a part of the conversation but we'll hear a lot about that this week. alex? >> kelly, specifically relevant to the president's speemp, are -- speech, are we getting any guidance on what to expect? any details? >> reporter: there is a great deal of pressure on president trump to deliver a speech that will have impact. it will be a challenge in part because this is the first time he's before this group. it is not the rally style crowd where he can feed off of a response. there will be many people listening with translation in terms of themes. what the white house is telling us is that the president will want to talk about democratic values and how those, in his view, are under attack around the world. peace and prosperity and sovereignty focusing on the ukraine where the sovereignty has been challenged by russia.
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also talking about the sovereignty that's been challenged. the united states has hosted it by virtue of it being in new york but it's a high bar given his sort of standing around the world, his newness to this organization and his willingness to be so critical of the u.n. alex? >> kelly o'donnell, thank you so much from somerset, new jersey. let's bring in democrat from california, member of the intelligence commuumulative committee. >> thanks for having me back. >> we were hearing from your congress in congress, scott taylor, calling for congress to shoot down a north korean missile even if it raises tensions. do you agree with him? >> i think right now we really need to move with our friends no matter what we do, and that means demonstrating american leadership, continuing to rachet up the sanctions. bringing russia and china to the table.
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they have the most influence on north korea and i would say using any military options at this point should be the last decision point that we have to make. so we're not there yet, but i do agree with congressman taylor that going to china and working with the chinese on this is critically important. alex, what i fear though when you look at the way the president handles this on twitter and the way he talks to our british allies is we're drifting into an era of the loner presidency where we no longer rely on our friends to solve the world's greatest challenges, as we have always done as a country. that makes it very, very perilous here especially sitting where i am on the west coast. >> yeah, for sure. >> congressman, i spoke with adam man, a north korean expert with the center for american progress. here's his response to congressman taylor's proposal. >> well, failure is a likelihood. it's a serious possibility here. u.s. ships and ballistic missile
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defense batteries are not positioned in a way that they can intercept most north korean missiles. shooting down a random missile test could seriously escalate the situation and it wouldn't do very good to hold back their program which is advancing rapidly. >> congressman, if we went there, i want to pose the same question to you. what if the u.s. failed trying to shoot down a missile? >> we can't fail and we shouldn't rely on being able to shoot down their missile as being the only way to prevent this crisis. we need to focus on what capabilities we have in the region or that we have dispatched across the globe because it may ultimately come to that. but i really believe right now the focus should be doing what we've always done in the world, which is having the most friends on the playground and just as we did with the iran nuclear agreement, doing a lot of work behind the scenes to have other countries enforce sanctions. if it's just sanctions that the
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u.s. puts on north korea, that's not going to be enough. because other countries put sanctions on iran they felt the pain and came to the table. i think that model has worked before and that should be the focus now. >> so in your analogy there of a playground, how worrisome do you find the president's tweets on north korea this morning. there are always the guys on the playground with the gang around them, the bullies, whatnot, do you think this kind of rhetoric will provoke kim jong-un? >> it's not helpful. if you took the name of the person sending the tweet you can't tell in it's kim jong-un or president trump. that's a problem. we're supposed to be the model for the world. as i've said, it's worked for the history of the united states. i don't know why we would want to have a different approach right now. i'm rooting for this president as he goes to the united nations this week that he can go to our
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friends, call even some of our adversaries in and say we're united in that we're not going to allow north korea to have a nuclear weapon. >> we're keeping a close eye on that. i want to discuss the russia probe. robert mueller has just gotten a search warrant for the fake facebook account that purchased all of the ads for the election. what does that tell you about the investigation of his investigation? >> well, we are looking just as -- former director mueller is did go is whether facebook was able to work with u.s. persons to weaponize social media accounts to lift up donald trump and tear down hillary clinton. what we know, alex, there was a very, very deep willingness and eagerness on donald trump's campaign to work with the russians. they had the june 9th meeting where they were receiving damaging information about hillary clinton. paul manafort sent carter page over to moscow, gave him permission at the peek of the
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campaign. you have michael cohen working on a trump tower deal in the midst of the campaign and you have roger stone saying john podesta is about to spend his time in the barrel. we want to know whether this amounted to a working relationship and not just facebook but google, twitter, other widely used platforms will inform us in answering that question. >> is that what you're trying to get from roger stone specifically? >> we'd like to see, you know, not only his tweets. the world has seen those. we'd like to see any direct messages that he sent, anyone else that he communicated with. roger stone is a relevant witness here. i believe it's pretty clear he was communicating with russians while they were trying to influence our election and asking him some of those questions when he comes in. >> good to see you. thank you so much for joining me. >> you, too, my pleasure. president trump and his fight with espn.
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have you heard that from the president before or is that a new one? >> that's a new one from the president but it reminds me of a cover of "the economist" years ago portraying him as rocket man. of course that's where the rockets are coming from. rockets that we ought not to laugh about because they represent a grave threat to everyone. >> h.r. mcmaster, white house national security adviser today when asked about president trump's tweet this morning, presumably referring to kim jong-un as rocket man. let's bring in molly hooper and sabrina sadiki. big welcome to you both. sabrina, i want to get here. i want to get right to the tweet. we should point out that the
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re readout of his call does not mention rocket man. how might president moon be reacting when he hears of this tweet? >> i think the fact of the matter is with respect to north korea, trump has shown himself to be similarly belicose in his rhetoric and erratic in his behavior that have drawn parallels to kim jong-un himself. so the question is a lot of people are asking does president trump's behavior help to de-escalate the situation or is he only escalating it further? the administration is of course understoring that they still want to look for a diplomatic resolution, but i don't think the president himself has really shoni serious desire to sit down and have negotiations. he seems to instead be firing off on twitter and in turn raising concerns, i think, among allies overseas who are of course counting on u.s.
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leadership and not just governing in 140 characters or less? >> molly, what do you think? is this the preview of how he's going to handle the meeting this week? >> i have no idea. president trump is the man you want to go to if you need a moniker to somebody. how does that translate rocket man into korean? >> oh, gosh. >> anywho. the administration is trying to get the sanctions. they're pushing for them in the u.n. but, you know, the house and senate, they also play a role in all of this. they're not sitting by on the sidelines realizing that some of these sanctions just aren't working as well as they could because kim jong-un is still firing his rockets. so, you know, there are things going on in congress, including, you know, draft discussion of a bill that would crack down on banks that do business with north korea or the north korean shell companies that would like to open an account in the u.s. ostensibly putting pressure on
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china. so it's unclear what president trump will say at the u.n., but congress is not just sitting by and lying on diplomacy to do this. they are also trying to take actions that would empower the president, you know, to force china into a better position to help us. >> but, sabrina, let's get the timing of this. isn't that leadup to this type of crucial meeting, especially the first general assembly, isn't it a time to remove one's self from any distractions, focus on how to handle very crucial issues? do you get the sense that any of that is happening outside of these tweets? >> not necessarily. i think it's interesting because this comes as there's been a lot of conversation around potentially a new chapter for trump as he's been negotiating with democrats, for example, on daca as well as that debt ceiling deal that they had reached the week before, but this shows you that there isn't really any meaningful shift in his behavior or his temperament. that will be the fundamental
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question going into the u.n. assembly meeting because a lot of the foreign leaders are still trying to figure out what to make of trump. they know they don't necessarily want to get on his bad side because he is, in fact, as we said prone to being erratic and breaking with the more conventional norms but i also think they don't know to what extent they can take him seriously. on the one hand they can't write off the president of the united states, but they don't know what to expect. in turn that means they don't know if they can rely on the united states in the same ways as they have in the past as well as what kind of dramatic shift he might propose in terms of policy with respect to free trade, climate change, where globally is -- >> go ahead. >> i was going to say that republicans on capitol hill, a large majority of them have long, you know, questioned the utility of the u.n. and its
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ability to crack down on what's going on in north korea and so forth. so, you know, for president trump to be taking these actions, you know, that sort of feeds into this narrative that the republicans -- that they just distrust the u.n. in spending so much money and sending it to the u.n. >> real quickly i want to get to the russia investigation. i'll start with you, molly. senator dianne feinstein predicting that donald trump jr. is going to testify in open session at some point in the fall. is that part of a strategy to getting him under oath? are we close to finding out if the trump campaign colluded with the russians? >> it would be a marquee hearing. there is intense interest in what donald trump jr. would have to say, but it's unclear if it has to do with getting him under oath because ostensibly when he
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did give his testimony to investigators on the senate intelligence committee, that that was under oath. you don't want to be lying to congressional investigators behind the scenes. it just doesn't work out very well for you. however, it is something that can move the ball forward when it comes to working with out of state actors and campaigns, what's legal, what's not legal. it's unclear, but it would be a marquee, blockbuster hearing. >> sabrina, your thoughts real quick? >> i think that it's clear that investigators in congress as well as the probe led by robert mueller, they see this meeting that occurred at trump tower as a pivotal moment into this inquiry into whether or not there was potential collusion between the trump campaign and moscow. i think you've seen mueller escalate his own probe and
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subpoena more documents from people like manafort. this meeting from trump jr. and the fact that he was suggesting that he was at least open to coordinating with the russian government, that's going to be really at the core of any of the interactions including trump jr. who are part of this meeting and this special counsel that is being led by mueller. >> sabrina and molly, ladies, thanks so much. opening the keys. a first look at the reality facing homeowners as they see what's left after that storm. we've got a live report next. oh, you brought butch.
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shoot the gringo. it gets crazy from here. american made. rated r. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. and at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. today we're bringing you america's number one shave at lower prices every day. putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. as one of those workers, i'm proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. gillette - the best a man can get. happening now in florida. residents are turning home to total devastation in the lower keys. it is the first time they've been allowed to return since hurricane irma a week ago. that is where lucy cavanaugh is with us. what all are you seeing? >> reporter: alex, good
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afternoon. we are in big pine key. this was one of the hardest hit areas by hurricane irma. you can see behind me, utter devastation. all you can see over there is the foundation of a home. the entire home gone. there is bits of boats overturned. total ruin. this is the first time that residents here have been allowed to return. they're basically coming in to take stock of what's left of their homes. the house here is still standing but you can see devastation and destruction. bits of boats, bits of home, metal, wood. a lot of people getting flat tires coming in here because there's so many nails poking out from the ground. and also this is a piece of a pouper line. it's quite dangerous for people to be back here. they're opening up the areas. they want residents to be able to come back here, take stock of the damage to figure out what they'll need to fix, but they're also hoping that people don't stay here, alex. it's still too dangerous for folks to remain. you can see exactly why.
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homes were once here. homes were here a week ago. now completely gone. what people are trying to do is they're trying to come here, document the damage and trying to get out. there's still no power in many of these areas. there's a boil water warning in effect because the water is too contaminated for people to drink. a lot of hospitals are closed. there's only one emergency room active on key west. authorities are saying, if you're coming back here to the keys, you do need to be self-sufficient. you should not be relying on the government or local authorities because they simply have too much work to do. as we were driving in here we saw utility companies trying to restore power. every major road had a police officer or national guard car there checking identification. another thing, alex, they're trying to do is prevent less desirable people of taking advantage of the situation. there is the possibility of looters coming here. that is why they're carefully checking identification, making sure it's just the residents coming back and to help with
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this, alex, they are keeping a curfew in place from dusk to dawn. alex, back to you. >> i've got to tell you, this is so heartbreaking to someone like myself. i love the keys. it's one of my favorite places in the world and it's just awful to see this. i've noticed there are lot a lot of people as you have been talking with us. lucy, are you seeing a lot of residents yet or is it just kind of slowly they're coming back? >> they're slowly coming back. there's a few reasons for that, alex. one is, there is a huge line at the main checkpoint that had been closed off up until now. people are slowly trickling in. their identification has to get checked. it takes a while to come back here. there are traffic jams leading up to this area. not a lot of resources. not everyone can come back and check the areas here. if you have medical issues, elderly parents who aren't well, you can't get the resources needed. a lot of people are biding their time and they have to wait until
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the resources are back online before they come back. >> lucy, thank you so much for the pictures and the stories there. still reeling from irma, another threat is looming in the atlantic. tropical storm maria is intended to intensify to a hurricane. that could pose a major threat. maria is currently in open waters. we're going to keep a very close eye on that. the facebook factor. do new revelations suggest that the social media website might have knowingly helped russia interfere with the election? we've got a report on that next. ♪ the all-new volkswagen tiguan with available pedestrian monitoring. the new king of the concrete jungle.
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word of an attack on four young american women who are visiting france. police say a woman with known
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psychiatric problems sprayed those tourists with some sort of an acid at a train station. two women seriously injured there. they are hospitalized. police are saying it is not terror related. on tuesday, the president will make one of the most important speeches of his short presidency addressing the united nations general assembly. it's his first opportunity to speak in front of leaders and representatives of 193 countries at the same time with the delegation from north korea sitting right there in the front row. joining me, steve clemons. hi, steve. good day. thank you for joining me. >> absolutely. >> against this back drop of the tweets, what must the president do and what are the expectations? >> not that i think it will help in the long run, but what he needs not to do is do anymore damage. he looks come anything to much of the world. he looks unserious.
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in that speech which he's going to read well, which will be crafted for him by h.r. mcmaster and other high quality people he has on staff, he has to demonstrate a temperament and willingness to give and take with other key allies in the world that north korea's a problem, but he's walking into a place where he took away from some of the more responsible nations in the world what they most wanted. they look at climate change as their existential threat. he's saying north korea is our existential threat. he's already screwed a lot of allies in the world and now he's asking them to gather around his mission in trying to sort of curtail forth north korean development. on one level that makes sense. you can't have a la carte relationships. he has to rejigger his disdain for international deals and allies that we've had. >> so you're talking about a
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couple of different sides and factors of donald trump and his perspective of things. what is your sense of how the white house is setting up the expectations for this speech? is the white house goal, to wrangle more countries, try to soothe relations with some? is it both? is it neither? >> i think that h.r. mcmaster, nikki haley and others have been trying to demonstrate a seriousness, a resolve about north korea and kind of a steady tempo. a lot of people have been critical of nikki haley but she's been consistent. h.r. mcmaster has been saying they don't want war but something has to change. they're trying to set this up. the president isn't helping that, particularly with this morning's tweets. they're trying to soothe allies into knowing that there's a stable decision making mechanism in the white house and they're approaching this seriously and conversing and talking in serious ways with key allies as
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we saw in some of the readouts of the president's recent calls. as many in your show have said earlier today, the president himself is undermining that valiant effort of h.r. mcmaster and others to demonstrate that there are real serious adults in the room when it comes to consequential decisions ahead. >> do you see, steve, a specific country or region that is zeroing in on what this president says and specifically looking for signs? >> well, i don't know if a specific country is, but the ones that matter most oddly are russia and china because they have the most significance in either working with us or working at odds with us with regards to north korea. if russia and china do not get on board with what we're doing and donald trump does not seduce them into a partnership as barack obama did with russia and china on iran, then there is no game with north korea other than us acquiescing to north korea having this nuclear potential
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and ba sis stick missile capacity or some kind of military conflict. those are the two choices we have if we don't find a way to come to common cause with russia and china. we have japan and south korea with us. we look at this as one where american leadership in the world precipitously falls or that we can kind of restore position and bring good things to the world and try to solve the north korea problem. >> my friend, steve clemons, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you, alex. new questions about facebook and the hacking of the 2016 election. the social media giant has turned over evidence to special counsel robert mueller which showed entities tied to russia. congressman adam schiff spoke about that this morning. >> when you look at the content of those ads, it really underscores what the intelligence community said earlier, and that is that the russ
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russ russians were aiming to divide us, to sew discord, to set one american against the other on the most divisive issues we have. >> earlier i spoke about this probe. you've been reporting a lot on this story. a headline reads, quote, facebook doesn't know the full extent of russia's ad purchases during the 2016 election. what did facebook tell you about what they do know? do you get any sense there's anymore to come? >> all facebook knows or all they're telling us is that they found approximately 470 inauthentic facebook accounts. they shut down the accounts because they concluded they had spent roughly $100,000 in targeted ad spending during the 2016 election which is very concerning. they don't know what the accounts were doing, who they were targeting, who they were helping. this is very concerning. it is only the tip of the
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iceberg. facebook still doesn't know how many more ads were purchased by the inauthentic accounts during the election because a lot of facebook's ads -- the way that they sell ads is self-service. it's automated. these accounts did not have to go through humans at facebook in order to purchase them. >> the senator is calling for a public hearing on this issue. there is a major report from "the wall street journal" which says facebook provided special accounts from bob mueller's team with his probe. what more do you know about facebook and its increasing significance with regard to the investigation? >> this is a huge deal. i mean, the fact that mueller was able to obtain a search warrant to get southbound to hand over these -- you know, more details about the accounts and what the ads were, et cetera, means that his investigation is now shifting in terms of russia's election experience. it's shifting from counter intelligence to criminal investigation. that could have very big
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implications for the trump team because if he has evidence that a foreign entity committed a crime essentially by making these contributions to the election and someone from the trump team, you know, perhaps someone that ran the trump team's digital operations, jared kushner, knew that was happening, that means they could be implicated in the crime in terms of aiding and abetting. >> this new report also from politico on mueller's investigation said an attorney working on the justice department's highest case recently transferred off of that assignment in order to join the staff of the prosecution. what does that signal to you? >> it's a signal that he's following the troend of the money. this attorney was spotted at the testimony of paul manafort, who's the former campaign chairman, his spokesman, jason maloney. that is an indication the fact that this attorney was taken off of the justice department's highest profile money laundering case and has been transferred to
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mueller's investigation means that mueller is really homing in on the allegations that paul manafort may have engaged in some kind of money laundering in order to hide the source of some funds he received overseas over the course of the last decade or so. this is an indication that mueller is following the money in the investigation and we have yet to see where that goes. the president using twitter to take aim at kim jong-un. does this kind of message get the attention of north korea? in the next hour, the eye van garderen can trump factor. what should her role be and are expectations too high so that she could mitigate some of the president's impulses? no two of us are alike. life made more effortless through adaptability. the perfect position seat in the lincoln continental.
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president trump appears to have found a new nickname for the north korean leader. he tweeted this morning, i spoke with president moon of south korea last night. asked him how rocket man is doing. long gas lines forming in north korea. too bad. rocket man presumably referring
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to kim jong-un. joining me now is gordon chang, daily beast columnist and author of "north korea takes on the world." gordon, thank you. is this thing trivial? does this get the attention of the north korean leader? >> it probably does. he should have said missile man. that not only has the advantages of literation, it has the advantages of accuracy. kim jong-un has not been firing rockets, he's been firing ballistic missiles. they let him fire rockets but it does not permit ballistic missile launches. there is a difference here. i hope the president understands it. i'm sure he does or at least h.r. mcmaster does. it's important to get that straight because for north korea, there is a difference. >> yeah, no, there's definitely a difference. and i'm sure elton john a preesh dwlats from you.
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meanwhile, the north korean missile flew over japan. one republican congressman believes that the u.s. must take action to deter flights. here' what scott taylor told me earlier today. >> and i also do think we should in conjunction with our partners in south korea and japan talk about potentially shooting down a missile. i think we should do that. i know that raises the tensions, but we have to do something. obviously the past 35, 40 years of appeasement has not worked. >> so what if the u.s. or allies try to shoot down a missile and they miss? >> well, yeah, that would not be good. the u.s. has the best missile defense systems in the world, but of course they're not perfect. we probably could shoot this down successfully, but the question is should we? there are a lot of other actions we should be taking before we get to that point that could trigger a horrific response on the part of north korea. >> when you say we probably should be able to shoot down a
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rocket or a missile, rather, i spoke with an analyst who said, actually, it's really, really hard to do. so he was less convinced that you -- than it would seem that you are that we could actually do it. what's the percentage if you can give one that you think we'll be able to hit this bull's eye and get rid of it. if we knew it was coming and we would get our destroyers in space. somewhere in the 80 to 90% range as we've seen the success rates for the sm standard missiles. but, you know, that's really not the issue in my mind. the issue is what else should we be doing to stop the north koreans. and, indeed, there's a lot more we can do in terms of imposing costs on china and there's a lot more we can do to stop, for instance, the sale of missiles around the world, which i think is a much more urgent priority for us. >> were we to take military
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action, would you walk us through what would happen? >> i don't think personally that the north koreans would retaliate, large lay because they know if escalation upwards, the united states eventually will get to the position where we would destroy the regime, but i'm not confident about how kim jong-un looks at this. kim jong-un looks at the united states, and he doesn't see this country with an overwhelmingly powerful military. he sees a country with very weak political will, because for instance, his father and grandfather, they snatched the pueblo out of international water in 1968. one killed, we didn't do anything. the year after that, the north koreans shoot down a navy ec-121 reconnaissance plane. 31 americans killed. we didn't do anything. there has been a series of these events where we have not retaliated. so the kim regime, i'm afraid, would miscalculate because they think we're not going to do anything. >> okay, gordon chang, always good to talk with you.
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thank you so much. >> thanks. >> point, court point. the raging debate over the espn host calling president trump a white supremacist. was the white house out of line by firing back? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy
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resulting in more than three dozen arrests after a white former police officer was acquitted in the 2011 killing of a black man. joining me now is msnbc contributor james peterson. the director of affrecona studies. always good to have you on the broadcast, james. i want to get right to your reaction to what we're seeing unfold here in st. louis. what kind of impact does all of this have on the real issues at hand? >> well, you see people protesting. you're seeing the protests become heated. and we know particularly from what we understand what happened in ferguson and what has happened across this country over the last several years that the tolerance for our judicial
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system's inability to indict or convict or often find guilty law enforcement officers who seem to be engaging in egregious behavior is reaching a boiling point, alex. the former officer stokley was carrying unauthorized weapon. if you listen to the recording, it seems as if this may have been a premeditated killing. he said he wanted to kill the guy en route to chasing him. he shot into a car, which is not departmental policy, and he's exonerated. folks are frustrated with these kinds of situations. on this network, we have covered too many over the course of the last several years. >> far too many. okay, now i want to get to this controversy that's surrounding all the tweets by espn host jemele hill, calling the president a white supremacist, and sarah huckabee sanders calling it a fireable offense. why do you think the white house and the president himself felt the need to make a public response? >> i think because jemele hill's
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comments are accurate. they're feeling kind of defensive. it's beneath the office of the white house to call for the firing of a private citizen about their own personal beliefs about their racial ideology of the president of the united states. but this particular administration doesn't really have a high regard for political or government institutions so i'm not surprised by that particular calling. but just look at the record here, alex. it's pretty simple. look at donald trump's record prior to becoming president, discrimination against black folks in terms of their housing businesses. their sort of extremely egregious attack on the central park five and not relenting even after they were exonerated. the ways in which he ramped up his campaign based on birtherism, his attack on immigrants and mexican americans and look at the policies. the muslim ban, the eroding of protections and oversight in terms of law enforcement, which is racially discriminatory. there's policies and there's actually the actions of the individual president that smack of white supremacy.
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to be accused of that to me doesn't seem to be that far fetched. >> want to get to the op-ed you wrote about the meeting that took place between the president and senator tim scott. here's the title, trump gets history on race, but it still don't mean a damn thing. what do you mean by that? >> well, i think it's absurd that a president of the united states would have to have some kind of racial history. mr. trump has lived through the civil rights movement. did he have blinders on during that particular moment in time? is he unaware of the history of the kkk of nazi germany and nazis and neonazis? that seems absurd, but that mistake in the name of senator tim scott when they called him tom scott, has a different resonance in black history and black culture because a tom is sort of a sell out, but more fire to the fodder of this is almost within days after this meeting that we don't know what kind of impact senator scott may or may not have had on president trump, president trump goes back to his default position, saying that there's good guys on both
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sides of that situation in charlottesvil charlottesville, virginia. so obviously, it was ineffective and obviously, trump's default position is this sort of white supremacist providing cover for folks that are antithetical of the american political project. >> always good to have you weigh in on things. in our next hour, ivanka trump's new interview and the unrealistic expectation she says people have about her. hey grandpa. hey, kid. really good to see you. you too. you tell grandma you were going fishing again? maybe. (vo) the best things in life keep going. that's why i got a subaru, too. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. can make anyone slow downt and pull up a seat to the table. that's why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection,
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